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In this episode Adam and Aga start with a brief conversation on recent developments regarding the Russian war against, including the incident which took place at Przewodów in Poland, just across the border with Ukraine.

Later, Adam sits downs with Anais Marin - the UN Special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus. They discuss the situation in Belarus and the challenge Belarusians face when forced abroad.

Ms. Marin has recently presented her report on the human rights situation to the UN General Assembly. You can read the full report here: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N22/432/95/PDF/N2243295.pdf?OpenElement

About the guest: Anaïs Marin is an independent Belarus expert who is an Associate Fellow in the Russia and Eurasia program at Chatham House. She is also a researcher with the University of Warsaw, Poland. She holds a PhD from Sciences Po, where she studied international public law and comparative politics with a focus on post-communist transformations in Central and Eastern Europe.

For more context – listen to a special Talk Eastern Europe podcast series titled “The Story of Belarus. The nation, its history and a new hope”: https://neweasterneurope.eu/belarus/

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